
With going to College for Painting, Sculpture, and Drawing, you accumulate a lot of work, some of it, not your best. With a ton of my freshman year paintings, I took what was there and re-imaged them to what I am doing now, not thinking just putting material to the canvas and seeing where it flows.

In the Spiritual Community and other circles, we are all waiting to ascend to 4-5Denisty which HEY!!!! You can’t take the old with you can you now? Well what happens if you take what works, transform it into something even better and worthy of the next level. I have now re-imagined canvas over 20 years old into work I now proudly hang on my walls, ( I am running out of space ). You can re-imagine furniture, by changing the color, adding elements to it, taking away from it, to make it look brand new. Sure if it works why ruin it? Well if you don’t try and it was going to be trash, why not DYI and Re-Imagine, bring life back into something. What do you have at home, your looking to get rid of but with some paint, some imagination, you can re-image and not add to the problem of trash in this world.


A Brain Fart


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